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Allotment theft

Security on allotments has long been a problematic issue, and petty theft and shed break-ins are a fact of life for many allotment growers.

Tips to consider


  • Sheds should be kept in a good condition and be located in a visible position.
  • Use high quality locks, doors and hinges and ideally block off all windows.
  • Use tamper proof screws or drill out screw heads.
  • Visibly mark property and record the serial numbers for free on, the police’s national property register, to aid recovery of any stolen items.


  • Regularly check all fencing to make sure it’s in good condition. Ideally your fence should be 2m high and form a solid barrier with no gaps.
  • Gates should always be securely locked, and should be of a design that makes climbing difficult.
  • Check there are no bins, composters, trees or bushes that can be used for climbing over the fence, and consider planting thorny bushes inside the fence to deter entry.


A well-lit allotment is much less attractive to thieves, especially if it is overlooked by footpaths or buildings.


If you have an alarm, make sure there is a procedure in place to respond quickly, both to interrupt any crime and to avoid unnecessarily disturbing any local residents.


Install clearly visible, weatherproof signs alerting passers-by to the opening hours, rules, contact details, all property on site is security marked, any CCTV cameras and how to report a crime.

If you do not use any equipment or tools on a regular basis – take them home.