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Metal theft

Metal theft for businesses and public buildings is an ongoing issue, in isolated rural locations including industrial units or where there is little or no traffic going by regularly, buildings are vulnerable.

Tips to consider

  • Regularly reviewing the perimeter fencing and gates security - checking for holes and weak spots, which could allow people access.
  • Improving visibility by cutting back vegetation, moving bins or improving the lighting.
  • Ensuring any equipment or materials stored near to buildings does not allow easy access to the roof. Anti-climb paint or physical barriers can be used to prevent access, but all anti-climb devices must be clearly signposted to comply with the Occupiers Liability Act 1984.
  • Not leaving any scrap materials lying around which could tempt thieves.
  • Using a forensic solution to mark any lead - warning signs saying forensic marking has been used should be displayed. Products can be found at Where a theft has happened, you should consider using lead replacement products - check with your local planning officer to see if this is allowed on your building.
  • Installing CCTV with adequate monitoring & recording. An operational requirement should also be completed. This document is unique to each installation and used by the contractor or person setting up the system for the design, performance, specification and functionality of the equipment used. Visible warning signs should be displayed as a deterrent to potential offenders.
  • Encouraging staff to be vigilant and report any suspicious behaviour or vehicles to the police.
  • Encouraging people in the local community to be vigilant around buildings like places of worship and schools, reporting any suspicious activity, particularly the unexpected arrival of builders.

Catalytic Converter Theft

Thieves have been targeting catalytic converters because of the precious metals they contain, 4 x 4 and high clearance vehicles like vans being particularly vulnerable. Preventative measures that can be taken include:

  • If a catalytic converter is a bolt-on type it is possible to have the bolts welded shut.
  • Fit protective coverings on catalytic converters, these can make it much more difficult for thieves.
  • Have your catalytic converter etched or forensically marked and put stickers in the windscreen to say this has been done.