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Preventing radicalisation

How to make a a Prevent referral

The Prevent annual report shows the progress and actions delivered from the action plan during the period 2020 to 2021.

WCC’s Annual Prevent Report 2022

Elected Members are crucial voices in our communities and engaging them on Prevent can help unblock potential obstacles to local delivery. 

Prevent Handbook for Elected Members (PDF, 1.6 MB)

Help & Support 

If you have any worries or concerns, or would like more information on Prevent and the signs and behaviours, please contact Geoff Thomas - the Local Authority Prevent Officer. You can phone 01926 412432. If you are unable to contact the Prevent Officer, please phone 01926 412338 to contact the Community Safety Team. You can also email

In an emergency, please call 999. 


Launched in 2022, ProtectUK is a new central hub for counter terrorism and security advice. Whether you are a business owner, work in security, or are a member of the public, register with ProtectUK to become part of the community and receive the latest news and online courses that will enable you to be better protected. 

ProtectUK Website 

Report in confidence 

Report suspicious behaviour or activity in strictest confidence through: 

Confidential Police Hotline: 0800 789 321 

Crime Stoppers: 0800 555 111 

Report Extremist materials

Report online material promoting extremism or terrorism anonymously on the Government website. 

Report extremist material 

Let's Talk About It

Information about the causes and signs of radicalisation. 

Access the Let’s Talk About It website 

Families for Life

Support for families of people affected by radicalisation. 

Call: 07505974030

Access the Families for Life website

Educate Against Hate

Information about radicalisation for parents and educators 

Access the Educate Against Hate website


Advice and support for adults concerned that a child is being radicalised 

Access the NSPCC website