Substance misuse
Help and support
Warwickshire County Council commissions a range of local services for adults and young people affected by alcohol and/or drugs.
Change Grow Live (CGL) - Warwickshire Adult Drug and Alcohol Service
Compass – Warwickshire Children and Young People’s Drug and Alcohol Service
- Tel: 01788 578 227
- Visit the Compass website
- Young person self-referrals, parent referrals or professional referrals to Compass
Supervised Consumption and Needle Exchange
Supervised consumption is available for all those starting opioid substitution treatment and for anyone needing to continue or return to supervision to ensure medication-compliance and reduce overdose risk.
Needle exchange gives injecting drug users access to sterile needles, syringes and other equipment and their safe disposal, to reduce the dangers associated with using unsterile or contaminated injecting equipment and reduce the spread of infectious diseases.