Latest news
Warwickshire agencies raise awareness to battle child exploitation
Could you identify the signs of online and offline abuse?
Dangers of Romance Fraud highlighted in Valentine’s Day campaign
With Valentine’s Day approaching, Warwickshire residents are being reminded of the dangers of romance fraud, which can have a catastrophic impact on people’s finances and emotional wellbeing.
Safer Internet Day: Young people encouraged to ask if it’s ‘too good to be true’ when online
With Safer Internet Day taking place on Tuesday 11 February, young people in Warwickshire are being encouraged to stay safe online.
Valentine’s Day is on the way – and there’s still time to vote for your ‘Best Bar None’ in Warwick District!
Don't miss your chance vote for the bar, pub and nightclub venues in Warwick district that you think are 'Best Bar None' when it comes to safety, training, management, and customer service!
A new career is waiting for you at Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service
Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service are encouraging passionate and dedicated individuals to join their team of wholetime firefighters.
Make fire safety a priority this new year
Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service, as part of the Fire Kills campaign, is asking people to make sure they fit smoke alarms on every level of their home and to test them regularly.
How to keep your teens well: from vaping to vaccinations, listen to the latest Let’s Talk Warwickshire podcast for useful advice and information
Parents and carers of teens are encouraged to tune in to the latest edition of Warwickshire County Council’s (WCC) Let's Talk Warwickshire podcast.
Register your old and new appliances to stay up to date with the latest safety information
The 20th-26th January is Register My Appliance week.
New realistic fire training facility in Warwickshire.
A new facility providing realistic training scenarios for Warwickshire’s firefighters has opened in Rugby.
New year, new career. Meet firefighter Sam O’Malley
“If you really want to be a firefighter, just be ambitious and passionate about the career and go for it! It’s very rewarding and I could not ask for a better career.”