National Anti Slavery Week 2023

Modern slavery can take many forms including the trafficking of people, forced labour, servitude and slavery.
Partner agencies in Warwickshire are working together to tackle slavery and trafficking as part of the local Modern Slavery Steering Group and are supporting the Anti-Slavery Week starting on 16th October 2023.
The National Anti-Slavery Day, which falls on 18th October 2023, is an opportunity to raise awareness of the fact over 49.6 million people in the world today, and an estimated 136,000 people in the UK, are trapped in conditions of modern slavery.
As part of the local multi agency steering group, partners are working proactively alongside the West Midlands Anti-Slavery Network and other local government, law enforcement agencies, businesses, voluntary and community sectors to share intelligence, raise community awareness and train front line staff and practitioners within existing agencies with the purpose of reducing the threat of modern slavery across the county.
The aim is to protect communities and make them more resilient to modern slavery, with prevention activity to reduce the risk of becoming involved in exploitation.
Spot the signs of modern slavery and human trafficking and take action. More information at West Midlands Anti Slavery - Spot the signs.
There is no one type of Modern Slavery
The Modern Slavery Organised Immigration Crime (MSOIC) have produced 3 informative posters on Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking. These posters will help you recognise the signs of exploitation of victims, the offender rationale and the types of exploitation methods that occur.
- There is no one type of Modern Slavery PDF, 130KB)
- There is no one type of Modern Slavery Offender (PDF, 142KB)
- There is no one type of Modern Slavery Victim (PDF, 129KB)
Warwickshire leading a new approach to tackle child modern slavery
Responsibility for decision making around child victims of modern slavery in Warwickshire is being granted to Warwickshire County Council (WCC).
Warwickshire leading a new approach to tackle child modern slavery.
Support for Businesses
Information for businesses across Warwickshire relating to County Lines and Modern Slavery, including advice relating to producing a ‘Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement’ can be found on Warwickshire Business Watch.
Tackling Modern Slavery is a key priority for the Warwickshire Police and Crime Commissioner and part of this work is encouraging businesses to sign the Modern Slavery Pledge. This allows businesses to recognise Modern Slavery is a global business issue and commit to tackling Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking in all forms, including in supply chains. This requirement applies to business supplying goods or services in the UK with a turnover of £36m or more per year. The Pledge is available on Warwickshire Business Watch.
7-Minute Briefing
Due to the increasing pressures on services, it can be difficult to release staff to attend training. In order to encourage continuous learning and awereness, Warwickshire Safeguarding have introduced 7-minute briefings as a quick and simple way to share learning on a range of safeguarding topics including modern slavery and human trafficking. 7-Minute Briefing document
How To Report A Concern
If you or someone you know is, or is at risk of becoming a victim of any form of exploitation, contact your local District or Borough Council, or Warwickshire Police on 101. In an emergency call 999.
If you have concerns that a child is suffering ANY form of neglect, abuse or cruelty, contact the Children and Families Front Door, Monday to Thursday: 9:00am – 5:00pm, Friday: 9:00am – 4:30pm, Telephone Number: 01926 414144. For out of office hours please call the Social Care Emergency Duty Team on 01926 886922.
Alternatively you can contact independent charities:
Crimestoppers – Enabling you to provide information anonymously in complete confidentiality Telephone 0800 555111 or report online - Crimestoppers.
Modern Slavery Helpline –You can report any suspicions or concerns about individuals, premises or locations. Businesses can also call for advice. Telephone 0800 0121 700 or report online - Modern Slavery Helpline.
Unseen – You can call the modern slavery & exploitation helpline on 08000 121 700 or report online - Unseen.