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Substance misuse

Local Drug Information System (LDIS) Reporting

What is LDIS?

LDIS is the process used to share and assess drug information, it also involves issuing drug alerts where needed. Reports of new, potent or contaminated drugs can be shared and collated from a range of sources so they can be verified, and warnings sent to the right people.

Drug Alert Process Map



Any organisation, person or team who has intelligence about a substance reports it using the reporting form. The intelligence must meet one of the following criteria:

  • Substance is causing acute medical, social or emotional harm or have uncommon side effects
  • There is spike in purity or strength
  • Branded in a way that is misleading re the ingredients or the substance is contaminated
  • An emerging trend of mixing substances or ingesting that is particularly hazardous to health.

Stakeholders are then emailed to corroborate of confirm the validity of the intelligence and submit further intelligence.


Responses are then collated for analysis against a grading matrix for the panel to decide next steps.


The panel choose from the possible responses:

  • No further action
  • Share for information only
  • Issue a formal alert